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WebPosition Analyzer

Sample Mission for www.istonline.com

Last Mission Results on Monday, February 02, 1998  08:51 PM

Concise Summary Report Excellent overview of your search positions by keyword and Search Engine. It even shows your last reported positions.
Summary Report Summary showing what your listings look like on each Engine. Make sure they look good to get the best response.
Detail Report Shows exactly what is positioned above and below you. Analyze these pages to see what you could do to better your competition.
Alert! Report Alerts you to places where you've declined in rank or have been dropped entirely! Once your rankings are good, make sure they stay that way.
Trend Report Shows a summary of your rank statistics over time by Engine and keyword. This guide will help you meet your long-term goals for each Engine and keyword.
Log Report Records the last Mission statistics and includes the complete unmodified results from the search engines.

Mission Archives

Select Previous Mission Results to View: (Up to one archived per day)

  • Results from Monday, February 02, 1998 at 08:47 PM: Summary   Detail   Log  

  • (To delete old archive files, just delete the ARCHIVE_*.HTM files).


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NJ Internet Access
NJ Internet Access, Fairfield NJ
Page Last Updated: Monday, April 06, 1998 10:11:49 PM

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