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Download WebPosition

System Requirements: Windows 95 or Windows NT. 8MB RAM.

If you are new to the Internet, you might print out the complete instructions for downloading and installing WebPosition for your reference. (Basically you just download it and run the WPSETUP.EXE).

Download WebPosition (2.7 MB) (with some browsers you may need to select SAVE FILE after clicking link)

If you get the message "Installation Corrupt" or a similar message when running the wpsetup.exe, then your download did not complete or got aborted prematurely. Go back to this page and download the file again. It should be about 2.7MB in size when it finishes.

If you have any problems downloading WebPosition, contact us immediately at sales@njaccess.com.


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NJ Internet Access, Fairfield NJ
Page Last Updated: Monday, April 06, 1998 11:12:43 PM

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