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Product Reviews

Below are a few reviews by the better known technology publications. Where available, we have provided links to the online full text article.

  ZDNet Editor's PickZDNet Labs Perfect 5-star Rating.
"...what [WebPosition] does do is so unique and so valuable that anyone trying to run a business online should give it a try."
"...Monitoring the search engines is such a time-consuming task, it's a pleasure to see a tool that does it so well."

  Computer Technology Review August 1997

"The Search Is Over For A Tool That
Increases Web site Traffic"

"... Maintaining a Web site is one thing; maximizing its exposure is quite another. Fortunately, FirstPlace Software has made it their business to increase organizations' Web site visibility with a tool that gives users the ability to improve their rankings on all the major Internet search engines..."


"WebPosition is the BEST software around for letting anyone who has a Web page know where they are listed on all the major Internet search engines. It is a "must have" piece of software for Webmasters of large sites and small home pages. It has a very simple interface, coupled with a detailed HTML-style report on the position of your Web site. 5 out of 5 Stars from Download.Net. WOW! What else can I say, except write your check to the people that made this product. They give you a 45-day demo of the product with full features, except it only searches three engines (for me it was Excite, AltaVista, and Infoseek). It then goes out (once you are online) and tells you the exact position you are in on these search engines. I have removed frames from the site, but left the frames page in, just with no link to it, and I found that AltaVista listed my frame's page #1 when you type "download games," so this helped me to change that page so people don't come in on frames. It also gave me the position of my site on all three search engines in an HTML based report. Very nice software. It is a must for all people who have pages on the net and want to know where their site is listed."

CMP Publications:
Communications Week August 8, 1997

Headline: "Developer Searches for Prime Position"

"Knowing the type of exposure your company receives with the help of such search engines as AltaVista, Excite, Yahoo!, Lycos, and WebCrawler is often easier said than done... Enter WebPosition..."

CMP Publications:
Windows Magazine
October 01, 1997, Issue: 810

Section: News/New Products

"WebPosition 1.0 helps Web managers improve their Web visibility by reporting their sites' rankings on the most popular search engines... In addition, WebPosition can track the same information on a competitor's site...' Headline: "WebPosition Monitors, Manages, and Reports True Search Engine Positions or Placements."

Webmaster T's World of Design by Terry Van Horne

"...Improving placements and positions at the major search engines is easy using the trend reports WebPosition generates. You've heard of freeware and shareware, now I've got a new one for you: how about `dreamware.' WebPosition is a site promoter's dream-come-true!"

"Have you ever seen the commercial for Braun Shavers where Victor Kiam says `I liked it so much, I bought the company.'? Webmaster T liked WebPostion so much, we made our first purchase of a promotion product."

CPA Technology Advisor, December 1997

"If you're serious about improving your position, this is a must-have product." Rating: 4 stars
by Sam W. Stearman, CPA Technology Advisor

Phillips Business Information, MIN'S NEW MEDIA REPORT
August 18, 1997:

"[WebPosition] performs organized searches of the Top 10 Internet search engines and tracks where the publisher's site ranks in those engines... Provides online publishers with a resource that helps plan ways to increase visibility for their sites. Cuts information-gathering time for site operators."

INTERNET Magazine, London, England

"[WebPosition] Keeps you informed of where you fall in a search engine's rankings, and helps you improve your visibility."

The Orlando Sentinel, Orlando Florida

Headline: "WebPosition can be the entrepreneur's best friend."


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