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"The search is over for a tool that increases Web site Traffic..."
--  Computer Technology Review,   August 1997


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Key Features:

Feature: Why this matters to you:
Create UNLIMITED "Missions" (tasks). Track your Web site's position under as many keywords as you can think of! This would take far too long to do by hand - only WebPosition makes this possible!
Track your competitors! Knowing how you rate against your competitors is important - being able to view the reason why they're ahead of you by visiting their sites - now that's power!
Step-by-step instructions show you how to improve your rankings. After WebPosition has checked your search positions, it provides links to detailed instructions on WebPosition's Web site that show you how to improve those positions! Now you have just what you need to increase your traffic from any given search engine!
Off-line browsing of all Web sites that placed before or after your site. By storing search results off-line, you can scroll through the list of other sites that were found during a particular keyword search without having to go back to the search engine to review them. You will quickly learn who placed before you and why - then, pass them!
Alerts you when a site/page submission has been indexed. It can take up to 8 weeks for some search engines to list your Web site. WebPosition will let you know the moment it has been added, so you can begin improving that position. You'll also know if your site hasn't been added before too much time passes, so that you can re-submit.
Links to re-submit. Reports include links back to each search engine to submit or re-submit. Enables you to quickly re-submit your Web site to improve your rank, in the event you place poorly for a particular keyword or in a certain search engine.
Concise Report Quickly learn where you stand and what keyword and search engines are doing well for you ... and which to work on.
Detail Report. WebPosition saves and stores the actual result list from each search engine for each keyword search. That way you can quickly see who had a better position than you and how your listing looks within a search. Jump to competitor sites and see why they placed better than you. Armed with this information, you can take steps to improve your position over theirs!
Summary Report See exactly which words from your Web site, your Meta tags or from your submission each search engine is using to describe your Web site - very important as the quality of your site description is part of what determines how much traffic you will get from that listing.  
Alert! Report. After using WebPosition to analyze, then improve, your search positions, you will want to keep them, right? This report warns you if an important search position in any search engine has declined - you can take action immediately to keep the traffic flowing to your site.
Trend Report. Seeing your historical progress is the only way to evaluate your success. The Trend Report will show you how you've done, search engine by search engine, keyword by keyword - information that helps you stay ON TOP!
Scheduling feature. Set WebPosition to analyze your positions daily, weekly, monthly, or on demand. Allows you to automate WebPosition to analyze your important keyword and search engine positions on a regular schedule, saving you even more time!
Automatic Software Updates. Checks WebPosition's main server for maintenance updates, enhancements, upgrades, or fixes to your software each time you activate a WebPosition session. Ensures you always have the most recent improvements or corrections to your version of WebPosition. If another user reports a problem to us, it will likely be fixed by this feature before you even know about it! Similarly, you'll get product enhancements and improvements (version specific) the moment they are available!
FREE LIFETIME product support. For as long as you own WebPosition, you can contact FirstPlace Software for free technical support, updates, information, and general guidance. (Some software companies charge $45 for your first call!)
Complete report archives. Archiving historical report information allows for powerful trend analysis.
Additional detailed analysis. Provides additional useful information, including how many distinct Web pages from your site have been indexed on each engine and whether you've been added at all to a particular search engine.
Auto-dials and establishes Internet connection automatically in Win95 and NT 4.0. Very easy to use. You tell WebPosition what to find, and it does the rest!
Complete online context-sensitive help and un-install option. Hassle-free use. Install it, and you're ready to go.

Which search engines does WebPosition analyze?

WebPosition supports the Top 10 major search engines including:
  • AltaVista
  • Excite
  • HotBot
  • LinkStar
  • Yahoo!
  • WebCrawler
  • InfoSeek
  • Lycos
  • OpenText
  • WWW YellowPages.

A direct quote from one of our users says it all:

"Fantastic Software!! I moved from 'out of the top 100' to 'in the top 20' to #1 in Infoseek in three days, spending no more than 15 minutes each day."

Tom Schwarz, Sunlight Software

Download Your Free Trial!   or   See WebPosition in Action!

The best part is you can put WebPosition™ to work for you in minutes by downloading the free trial!

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NJ Internet Access
NJ Internet Access, Fairfield NJ
Page Last Updated: Monday, April 06, 1998 08:06:57 PM

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