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"What you do to gain a better position in one search engine can actually hurt your position in another search engine?"

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Special Report

Secrets to Achieving a TOP 10 Position

Achieving a Top 10 position in one of the major search engines can increase traffic to your Web site more than you can possibly imagine. In the past, Web site owners had difficulty achieving one of these coveted spots.

The problem most people encounter is this:

"What you do to gain a better position in one search engine can actually hurt your position in another search engine."

Many Web site developers and managers have seen other sites' feeble attempts to increase their position with a long list of keywords buried in the hidden Meta Tags of their site, or, repeating a keyword in tiny print across the bottom of their home page.

The major search engines already ignore most of these cheap tricks - they are far too savvy to be fooled by these amateurish approaches. In fact, several of the largest search engines don't even use Meta Tags to determine your rank anymore.

How then does someone promoting a Web site achieve a Top 10 ranking in the major search engines?

Easy - by using the carefully researched techniques found in "Secrets to Achieving A Top 10 Position."

Inside this special report you'll find the latest information on how to climb out of obscurity into one of the high-traffic search positions for the keywords that matter to you.

You'll learn:

  • what each of the Top 10 search engines uses to rank your site
  • how and where to position your keywords and phrases within your Web site
  • about keyword, prominence, frequency, and proximity, and where to apply
  • how to influence the submission-only directory sites like Yahoo!
  • How the ASCII alphabet can help you increase your search position on many directory sites. Examples:
  • Did you know that an "!" or a number places you ahead of any letter?
  • Capitalized letters can get your site listed above sites using lowercased letters.
  • You can rename your site to leverage alphabetical relevancy.
  • Learn which tactics to avoid that will get you dropped or booted from some search engines.
  • How to be 2nd or 3rd or even 20th and still get more hits than those listed above you. Hint: A simple direct response copy writing technique shows you how to write site descriptions that are rich in keywords but entice people to click on your site!

This report starts with an overview of how search services and promotional sites work, and how they rank your Web site. It then moves on to general principles and strategies and optimizing your search positions. It then discusses each major search engine, complete with charts showing exactly what it does and doesn't use to rank your Web site. And it's all followed by a step-by-step guide on what to do to improve your ranking in that particular engine.

So don't wait! This report is the perfect companion to WebPosition. Order yours today, and start your climbing the search position ladder to success!

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NJ Internet Access
NJ Internet Access, Fairfield NJ
Page Last Updated: Monday, April 06, 1998 10:28:40 PM

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